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Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast

Lyvyoo Wrote:Chiar daca link-ul e util in sine, pentru productivitatea discutiei si pentru a aduce un argument concret pro sau contra, ar fi de recomandat sa extragem noi de acolo concluzia si sa o scriem in cuvintele noastre, asa cum am inteles-o. ...putini ar mai citi daca in loc de postarile explicative de pana acum ar fi fost doar niste trimiteri cu link.

de cate ori am cracnit si eu la iesirile astea de comoditate si neimplicare...
(...@dev: nu o lua personal!),
povestea-i prea generala
si aminteste de bancul ala vechi cu nebuni care-si numerotasera bancurile si din cand in cand unul zicea un numar, urmat de explozia de rasete a celorlalti Smile

si mai e o chestie disjuncta ce mi se intampla frecvent mai pe vremuri... tranteam cate o parere, cate o opinie, sau eventual citam pe cineva mai bun in ale cafelei decat mine si urma un sir de postari in care nimeni nu facea referire la zicerea mea! in bine sau rau, in aprobare sau contrazicere...
ce mai, curata omerta, sau muerta, cum i-o zice Smile

ce vreau sa spun: intr-o net/forum...iqeta mai demodata probabil, vad oportuna intrarea unuia in thread printr-un 'racord' cat de cat lin la cele ce se discuta chiar atunci;
chestie oarecum colegiala, parca...
e ca si cum te-asezi in fata cuiva in thread, uitandu-te in alta parte... ca si cum persoana respectiva ar fi transparenta Smile
sau o fi?

revenind la Scott Rao de mai sus, opinia lui e una de om care are toata increderea in ceea ce stie sa faca si care face totul cu capul lui, nu al altuia;
pacat ca nu poate merge mai departe de atata: "...almost everyone, at least in the industry, would prefer the aromatics of light roasts vs. dark roasts."
(dar asta o fi insemnand sa poti sa-ti alegi cafelele...)

si cateva alte extrase, mai pe bune:

"..I'm talking about darker overall: inside and out. It's really, really hard to get much more soluble (overall) on a roast without getting much darker on the outside.

I'm not sure why you say it's clear that some beans do better as espresso and some as filter.
And adjusting temperature can help mitigate sourness, but only to a modest degree, before the temperature is high enough to cause acrid and burnt flavors.

what I'm trying to say is that there is no "espresso roast". And I don't buy into the idea of simply "extending development time" or other simplistic approaches that make coffee taste flat or roasty.

I'd estimate that more than 80% of espresso shots pulled outside of Italy end up in milk-based drinks. Simply put, most roasters and consumers seem to prefer espresso to be roasted a little darker when it is to be consumed in milk rather than black.

When roasters ask me about roasting for espresso vs. filter, I usually emphasize that whatever my opinion of the issue, it's more important to focus on whether one should roast differently for black coffee (no milk) vs. white coffee (cappuccino, latte, etc).  To me, the difference in roasting for black vs. white coffee is significant; the difference in roasting for filter vs. espresso is modest

Don't worry too much about omniroasting or other philosophical issues.  Try not to be dogmatic about how light or dark a roast must be, what's popular, or what you're "supposed to do."  Measure often, taste blindly, and try to be logical. In the end, go with what tastes good, even if the internet disagrees or this year's barista competition finalists did the opposite.  I promise in a year or two the winner will do the opposite of what this year's winner did!"
Strega_mod(esp32)/ MaraX_mod(esp32)/ Sette_270/ Macap_m7/ prajitor_fluid_bed_diy_(4Kg/luna)

Messages In This Thread
Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by Levo - 15-04-2018, 20:46
Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by bogdan_geor - 18-04-2018, 12:25
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by Lyvyoo - 18-04-2018, 16:15
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by eugenm - 18-04-2018, 18:59
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by dev - 19-04-2018, 10:31
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by Lyvyoo - 19-04-2018, 15:22
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by dev - 19-04-2018, 15:42
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by adiszep - 19-04-2018, 15:53
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by flipu2k - 19-04-2018, 15:55
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by Lyvyoo - 19-04-2018, 15:58
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by renatoa - 19-04-2018, 16:04
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by Lyvyoo - 19-04-2018, 16:16
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by dev - 19-04-2018, 16:19
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by radudani - 19-04-2018, 16:34
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by Levo - 19-04-2018, 16:42
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by Lyvyoo - 19-04-2018, 23:55
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by lracu - 20-04-2018, 01:52
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by dev - 20-04-2018, 08:21
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by Denis - 20-04-2018, 00:06
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by Lyvyoo - 20-04-2018, 00:30
Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by bogdan_geor - 20-04-2018, 09:43
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by Danielu - 20-04-2018, 09:58
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by dev - 20-04-2018, 10:02
RE: Cafeaua in stilul Omni Roast - by Denis - 20-04-2018, 10:03

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